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Lead DesignersNing Li
Prize(s)Gold in Print / Packaging
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Packaging is made to enrich the user’s experience and communicate the personality of products. Different senses play a vital role in ‘reading’ packages. Although we use sight as the primary sense in this, packaging is also held in the hands providing for opportunities for tactile communication. Form and materiality could be engaged more substantially to provide a more affective experience that communicates to the consumer.

To examine the idea, I explored the materiality and analyzed the form by focusing on beauty products. In this category of products, it is clear that the material’s characteristics often used in defining a product and carry the most intimate links with its user. The enhanced texture of a product can increase the consumer-product relationship. By using visual-tactual language that is forms and materiality as tools for communicating an attribute of a product and as a means of conveying the intended target audience of a product.