In a surreal world, tiny chef quietly appears from under the sizzling teppanyaki grill. He moves gracefully and in perfect harmony, creating a magical meal for diners sitting on giant, oversized stools. Nearby, in a busy airport, a conveyor belt also works as a sushi carousel, with bright plates of fresh sashimi traveling alongside real luggage. Meanwhile, office workers in neat suits wait at a street corner, where a model train with detailed carriages slowly passes through a miniature city.
I-NING LIU is a visual designer based in Taipei.
‧ 2020 International Design Awards (Gold Award Winner).
‧ 2020 Prix de la Photographie de Paris - Fine Art / Collage (Honorable Mention).
‧ 2020 Red Dot Award: Brands & Communication Design - Packaging (Winner).
‧ 2020 Communication Arts - Design : Poster (Shortlist).
‧ 2020 Communication Arts - Design : Packaging (Shortlist).
‧ 2020 DNA Paris Awards - Graphic design : Key art (Winner).
‧ 2020 DNA Paris Awards - Graphic design : Packaging (Winner).
‧ 2017 International Photography Awards- Fine Art : Collage (Honorable Mention).
‧ 2017 International Photography Awards- Special : Pets (Honorable Mention).
‧ 2017 International Design Awards (Silver Award Winner).
‧ 2017 International Design Awards (Honorable Mention).
‧ 2016 Graphis Letterhead 8 Award (Merit Award).
‧ 2016 International Design Awards (Honorable Mention).
‧ 2007 Ben-Q Truth, Goodness and Beauty Award: Digital Moving Creative Competition. (Creative Award).
‧ 2007 Times Young Creative Awards. (Honorable Mention).