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Song Mansion

CompanyHirsch Bedner Associates
Lead DesignersFederico Masin
Design TeamShichao Zhao, Winnie Chan, Ewan Irwandy
Project LocationHarbin, China
ClientHarbin Zhong Yi Peaceful Real Estate Co., Limited
Prize(s)Gold in Interior Design / Residential
Entry Description

Inspired by the philosophy and aesthetics of the Song Dynasty,forms and materials were used with the utmost restraint. An informal attitude was used to remove all decorative elements,so that every aspect of the final design occupied its natural space. The significance of the design shifts from ornamental to focus on the composition, lighting effect, small nuances between textures and design “imperfections”. The outcome is a contemplative space where the elements of the composition don’t compete for attention.A balance of dark versus light, the space’s essential aesthetics emerge from the void.