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Urban Green

Lead Designers
Prize(s)Bronze in Interior Design / Commercial
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Entry Description

School Requirement:
This is a school project. We were assigned to design a product which we were allowed to choose. This is a chain store in the whole world and should contain its own logo and charactor. This store should be around 4000 sq. ft. in two stores. Therefore, I decided to design a bicycle store and the store is located in Greenwich of Manhattan in New York City.

Concept Statement of This Project:
Bicycle is a human power vehicle. With its two wheels and an attached frame, it Bring convenience for short travel. a lot of people use it for exercise to live healthier. now it is also big to our earth because it doesn?t eed any other power but our own bodies. Since New York city contains a huge population. transportation is limited because of the small space
in Manhattan. Bicycle is very opular to New Yorker. Therefore, Urban green decides to open ts chain store in Greenwich village of Manhattan.

Bicycle doesn?t have any cover for its own body. we see through its
bones and its components. Metal is its main element, so bicycle always gives people a feeling of industry. to achieve the industrial impression, I design to bring customers to feel the expose from this bike shop. Exposed rust Steel with hanging bikes on chainrings are the crucial elements in this shop. Since bicycle is a out door unit, I want to have a outdoor feeling in a interior place. a 28 feet height big opening space seperated a indoor house to a wall. it also
allows the store to hang the bikes between two walls.
in order to provide enough of space for storage, i divide three floors in the back for it. Glass wall seperates storage and retail place. Moreover, it just creates a museum like space for the customers to take a look the arthestatic
of bikes.

Due to the structural part of the bike, I want all customers
can feel the inside bike and enjoy it from this