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Three Sixty Group Asia Headquarters

CompanyStudio X
Lead DesignersRufus Turnbull & Sam Bradley
Design TeamRufus Turnbull(Creative Director), Sam Bradley(Project Director), Jessica Young(Interior Designer), Valerie Kwong and Cinda Ki (Illustration)
Project LocationHong Kong
ClientThreeSixty Group
Prize(s)Bronze in Interior Design / Conceptual
Entry Description

A radical departure from ThreeSixtyGroup's previous, more conventional, partitioned office. Studio X created a space that could be a global showcase for this highly innovative and fast-paced US company. The project represents an intersection between workplace, showroom, and retail - in the shape of a prototype FAO Schwartz store, also designed by Studio X. The project also features a series of custom designed illustrations capturing the attitude of the company and the spirit of Hong Kong. Studio X was responsible for concept to completion including full tender management and site supervision.