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Indoor Smokeless Charcoal Grill

UniversityThe Ohio State University
Lead DesignersTaewan Kim
Project LocationUnited States
Prize(s)Gold in Home Interior Products / Kitchen Appliances
Entry Description

Designed "Indoor Smokeless Charcoal Grill" specializes in the miniaturized urban residential spaces and there are three main merits.
First, the designed grill provides smokeless and scentless indoor fresh environmental conditions through its internal air purification system. This overcomes the previous grills' incomplete smoke disposing functions while grilling.
Second, its modern form and classy materials fulfill the young users' emotional needs, which raises their merchandising.
Third, the direct charcoal grilling delivers its unique flavors through the 3000°C heat at home with convenience.


As an Industrial Designer, the functional aspect is my fundamental design perspective to enhance humans' behavioral conditions. Under the mission of improving our daily lives, "Mutual Interdependency" is my primary working principle; therefore, I specialized in coordinating a variety of opinions into a proper solution.

Awards and Prize

• 2018 Spark Design Award Fall Concept: Winner - Silver
• The 53rd Korea Design Exhibition: Winner
• 2018 Spark Design Award Spring Concept: Finalist