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Playster office

CompanyACDF Architecture
Lead DesignersMaxime-Alexis Frappier
ClientMaxime-Alexis Frappier
Prize(s)Bronze in Interior Design / Office
Entry Description

The architects proposed a vibrant chromatic pattern that
reinvents the 18,000-square-foot space. Reminiscent of the
company’s logo, the blocks of colour on the walls and the
carpets create a strong visual impact. In their progression,
the different shades define specific zones spreading in a
fluid movement. The colours encourage team gatherings in
the open space and stimulate a sense of belonging among
the employees: each team has its own colour! The
occupants can also easily shape their environment to their
needs. ACDF’s open-plan workspace design adapts to small-
group work sessions and to larger collaborative, and
creative atmospheres.

A white corridor was used to balance the strong identity of
the colourful areas. Like a backbone, it connects meeting
rooms and links the bright sections to one another. It
functions as a place where one can catch his or her breath,
contrasting with the lively vibe of the offices