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Sydney L Moss Ltd: Centennial Publication

CompanyC A Design
Lead DesignersRosanne Chan
ClientRosanne Chan
Prize(s)Gold in Print / Books
Entry Description

An extraordinary publication which took six years is truly the
largest gallery’s catalogue ever, weighing 26.5 kg.

Seeking for overall design theme, we were captured by a
Chinese calligraphy with the word PASSION.

Hence our design story is: Passion set the family history in
the Chinese art world, engraving this character on the
enormous box cover, casted their dedication once again.
Beige is the iconic colour for Chinese art being the tone of
aged paper.
Inner lining of the box is a classic red symbolizing arts from
the scholars’ studio. Unique oriental ways of binding,
unfolding pages of classic handscrolls which are were
reproduced as concertina fold out sections, these are design

This publication is for the purpose of its Centennial
Celebration but was completed some years afterwards due
to the long process of printing and binding which asks for
super care.