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Pretty Little Secrets

Lead Designers
Prize(s)Silver in Accessory / Jewelry
Entry Description

“Pretty Little Secrets“ is a female dress constructed with paper folds. It transfers an illustration from a two-dimensional plane to a three-dimensional structure. The illustration derives from the artist’s origin and is her understanding of Chinese landscape. Celebrating a sense of patriotic through interpreting a map of mountains and rivers from an ancient time. She encoded her identity and experience into the dress, willing to share and communicate with her audience. It is a process of hiding and revealing, both personal and communicative.

In "Pretty Little Secrets", individual paper structures are attached one by one to construct a large piece of "fabric". The outcome turns out to be a highly organic, neat and flexible structure that reveals the beauty of paper or similar materials like Tyvek.

This project allows different ways of reading: it is a dress or a piece of jewelry when worn on a body, a structure when placed on a pedestal, a movable piece of fabric when played by hands. This project looks to the interdisciplinary nature of illustration and origami; tries to break into the realm of fashion and new materials.