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Aliph Jawbone Prime Earcandy

Lead Designers
Prize(s)Gold in Media And Home Electronics / Phone and Other Communications Technology
Entry Description

The latest product to be introduced into the Jawbone brand is the Jawbone PRIME in EARCANDY colors. PRIME continues Aliph’s tradition of marrying technology and design to deliver the best Bluetooth headset on the market. Technologically, the Jawbone PRIME has even better audio quality, improved comfort and fresh, fun color choices.

EARCANDY is a summer color burst, bringing self-expression and a smile to the Jawbone line-up. We are treating our colors and textures like others are treating fabrics, bringing together material richness and personal expression.

The four colors, “Yello, Drop me a Lime, Lilac You Mean it, and Frankly Scarlett”, represent great skin-tone complements and contrast, as well as personality, which reinforces the basic notion that anything that the consumer wears makes a statement, and it should be designed as such...this is what we call EARCANDY.

In addition to the product, we designed the consumer-friendly packaging, the naming, logo and brand identity. All of these are evolutions of our ongoing building of the Jawbone brand and it’s family of products.