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Lead Designers
Prize(s)Silver in Media And Home Electronics / TV, Video and Audio Equipment
Entry Description

The present product is part of the development of a graduation project in the industrial design area whose the boarded subject is assists in the socialization and continuity of the infantile pertaining at the school activities of ludic form. This thematic was defined through a bibliographical and field research from the white public delimited of a quimioterapy treatment children cause in this segment occurs the permanence in the hospital environment at a long time and the consequence of this is the familiar distancement and the interruption of the school activities. With the research analysis was defined the electronic concept product that propitiated to the user the communication, entertainment and assist in the distance education with the ultimate electronic components assist.
This concept product has a holography display that the user can use the internet, play games, make friends, among others options, through images 2D or 3D. Dilus has a similar form of a teddy bear, becoming to be a friend of the child and can change your skin through the conducting polymer applied in its body. The product has for objective to be a differential in the electronic demand and propitiate to the user biggest reality when him use its functions.