December 9, 2020RAJESH NANDAN
Founder & CEO, Indesign Media Asia Pacific
The Good Design Mark holder, Aidin Ardjomandi, is an awards winning Iranian designer. He has received Master of Industrial Design from IA University of Tehran in the specialization of aesthetics. In 2015 he won A’DESIGN Award by inventing a new brand musical instrument, the Celloridoo, which was a hybrid one by combination of Cello and the didgeridoo. He has also won several other national and international awards.
Aidin is the official member of World Design Consortium, International Design Club, International Council of Creative Industries Alliance of International Business Associations and the International Association of Designers.
He has been part of Jury members and executive committee of several design awards and competitions all over the world such as A’DESIGN Award of Italy, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Design Excellence Award 2018, Archstorming Design Competition of USA 2018, Asia Design Prize of South Korea 2019, LIT Award 2019, Design that Educates Award of Germany 2019 ,2020 , Envent Challeng of India 2019, Insutrart Awards of Ukraine 2020, ADA of Azerbaijan 2020 and Ukrainian Design awards: THE VERY BEST OF 2020. He is the Marketing Advisor of Design that Educates awards and the International Relations Manager of Azerbaijan Design Awards and the Marketing and Events Manager of Istituto de Moda Burgo in Qatar.